English 12

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Ընտրել այն նախադասությունները որոնցում կա ավելորդ բառ։ Choose the sentences with an odd word 1.

  1. Our team train day and night but so far we have had no success.
  2. Mr. Mortimer `s assistant was seen to leave the office hurriedly.
  3. I had read this evening that a new advertising agency has been founded
  4. I played so much football yesterday that I wore out of two pairs of boots
  5. If you want to make a woman to change her mind, you must agree with her categorically


  1. You will regret it if you go on at annoying people like that.
  2. That rocking chair is broken — it needs being repairing
  3. R.L. Carson began her writing career at age of ten years.
  4. The young man was made to do that hard work alone.
  5. Although he was interested in many fields, Einstein is best known for his work in the sphere of physics.


  1. I am not sure that whether Jack will be able to come or not
  2. Heathrow Airport which near is the world’s busiest international airport
  3. After having a quick shower, I set out to see the sights of the city
  4. Mabel made up her mind to get marry her beloved by all means
  5. Among the five Great Lakes, only Lake Michigan is located entirely within the territorial boundaries of the United States.

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